Il Sole 24 Ore | April 2024

The value, importance on the market and the social role of investment consultancy require banks that manage Italians’ savings to develop robust brands to consolidate the pact of trust with all the country’s stakeholders.

The reputation and credibility of financial consultancy networks also pass through the knowledge and image of their brand, helping to enhance the profession of financial consultant, expand the number of clients served and attract professionals from the banking world, as well as young talents.

How much does the importance of the brand of Financial Advisory Networks attract established professionals today? A lot, considering the estimates of the research conducted by Assoreti with Finer. Of over 500 bankers interviewed in the analysis, 34% declared themselves willing to consider a career as a Financial Advisor. Of those considering this step, 38% are men and 29% women who currently work as private bankers and bank managers. These are mainly professionals aged between 30 and 40 (38%), followed by more senior profiles up to 50 years of age (35%), in both cases, more than half (52%) already have a client portfolio and comes from large (44%) or medium (32%) banking entities. The influx of new talents interested in entering the industry comes mainly from Northern Italy (43%) – in line with the greater concentration of large groups – but also from the South (34%), which exceeds the Centre by almost 15%. . What drives them to join a network bank? 67% of the sample considers the stability and solidity of the institution a fundamental prerequisite for evaluating a change, followed by the centrality of the consultant (64%) and corporate image factors such as the competence of the management at the head of the structure (62%). In general, if the factors linked to the company image influence the choice for 24%, 28% consider those linked to “human capital”. The attention paid to employees (47%), customers (44%) and investments in continuous training and updating of professionals (40%) are considered priority elements. Attention also remains at the centre of the products and services component offered (23%), with 49% considering a superior offer on the market and a wealth service as well as financial consultancy to be important.

“The analysis provides a very interesting picture if compared with the opinion of those who already operate in the Networks. The factors that influence the choice of entry of external professionals, and therefore the attractiveness of the system, correspond in fact to the satisfaction reasons expressed by those who already work in the sector. This expectation therefore reflects a real context in the working environment of the Networks. This makes clear the correct representation that the Networks are introducing not only towards Italian families, but also towards the first customers, employees and professionals. they operate at the service of the country’s savings”, states Marco Tofanelli, Assoreti General Secretary.

“According to the survey, compared to traditional banks, network banks reflect distinctive elements of great importance: competent and capable management, the centrality of the Financial Advisor, the ability to offer asset consultancy to families and businesses. Despite the work still in potential expansion, the value of the brand and the ability to communicate it have now become an important pillar in the positioning of the industry towards all stakeholders, results also in terms of attractiveness of the profession provide an image in line with the positioning perceived on the market. the result of a commitment also initiated in terms of greater external communication of its distinctive values”, declared Nicola Ronchetti, CEO of Finer.