Humanities subjects are also among the emerging degree profiles

Corriere della Sera Economia | April 2024

Digital services in financial consultancy increasingly attract young people, especially between 25 and 30 years old, so much so that 75% of them now consider them among the main strengths of the Networks. The picture emerges from the analysis “The value of the brand of financial consultancy networks” that Assoreti conducted with FINER on a sample of over 500 recent graduates and young professionals. Among other aspects, looking at financial consultancy, more than half of the young people interviewed (55%) see the offer of insurance and social security services as a central aspect in the choice of investment as well as that of mortgages and loans (22%). The dialogue with the new generation is mainly driven by “word of mouth” dynamics from friends or relatives (71%) and in general by direct contact with the financial advisor (33%) and by the proactivity of the Networks (21%) in communicating to new public of investors but also future professionals. The image reported by the under 30s is that of a networking industry considered at the forefront of innovation (81%), dynamic and modern (79%). Perceptions that are also realized thanks to the commitment to greater external communication activity which represents for 28% of young people one of the main factors in approaching the industry, to which is added the importance of the social impact generated by the Networks (15 %) for the real economy but also the possibility of growth and internal training (49%) that the system is able to offer today. An intergenerational requirement is then the perception of solidity and reliability of the bank (85%). Even for the youngest, the financial advisor represents a point of reference for giving continuity to a life project (27%) and the direct relationship with the professional still remains the added value (42%) even for the youngest which is strengthened with the support of new digital tools considered essential by 88% of the sample in the consultancy provided. An aspect that also represents a factor of choice when starting out as a financial advisor.

Among those considering taking up this profession (41% boys and 20% girls), 45% have just completed their studies in economics but there is also a significant percentage of those who come from a literary background, 38% political science, 36 % law and 33% psychology. Data which also reflects an asset management activity which today defines the solidity of the financial consultancy model in terms of human capital, the ability to manage emotions and the relationship of trust with customers. Why undertake this profession? For many (82%) it reflects a passion for finance, others consider it a rapidly growing market (66%) capable of offering a career path (49%) that is economically solid (79%) and flexible (59%). And once again sustainability emerges in the choice factors of younger people who look at this profession, appreciating (49%) the attention it has been paying to ESG aspects for some time.

“Financial consultancy networks represent one of the success stories in our country, their growth potential also passes through the ability to further enhance their knowledge and their image among the general public of investors and young people” commented Nicola Ronchetti, CEO FINER.

“Today we have more than 2 thousand consultants over 70, with an average portfolio of around 35 million, so we are talking about around 70 billion which will be left to the management of new entries in the coming years. The activity that Assoreti and its associates are carrying out, with an effort also in terms of communication, speaks to the new generation and the data that emerge in recognition of the innovation and credibility of the sector tell us that we are following the correct channels. Investment, also in light of this new openness to young people, both as future investors and as human capital of the profession, is at the center of our activities. Furthermore, the consultant today plays a social role that well represents the sensitivity of young people, and is in fact one of the factors chosen for evaluating a job. It’s not just about transforming savings into investment but about contributing to the development of the country and the kids are starting to understand this” declared Marco Tofanelli, Assoreti General Secretary.